15 Beauty Hacks from Licensed Estheticians from Around the Globe, Enjoy!

For super soft skin, try a full body dry brushing before getting in the shower. My skin is always so soft because of this. - Lupe D.

Check out Tori Belle magnetic lashes! They make me feel beautiful, especially when we have to wear a mask everywhere, and all you see are eyes now. - Dawn M.

If you have active treatments (masks, exfoliants) that leave your skin a little red, use them before bed!  The redness will dissipate while you sleep, and you'll wake up with glow skin. - Jessica G.

Putting effort into my appearance, such as wearing my favorite jeans or top, give me life! Get out of "lounge wear" to feel more productive and motivated. It's easy to look frumpy when there's "no where" to go! - Janice T.

Weekly foot soaks with bath salts and essential oils are so relaxing! Also, apply lotion and cotton socks before bed - giving the feet a good massage in the process (bonus: a golf ball works nicely as a massage tool) - Alison P.

Root touch up spray by Joyce! A little spray at the roots, and no one is the wiser. - Kim S.

Keep your favorite hand lotion right by the kitchen sink, and apply each time you wash. - Karla H.

I added a collagen powder to my morning coffee, and Vitamin D and an Omega fish oil to my daily routine. I am noticing a huge difference in the look and feel of my skin. Lori C.

Banish dry lip flakes for good with a clean, soft toothbrush. Just wet it and run it over your lips in a circular motion, taking care to be gentle. - Angela T.

Put an ice roller in the freezer and use all over the face and neck while your coffee is brewing. It's a perfect wake up routine for the body, mind, and soul. - Lisa S

Lacrose massage balls release tension in the body (mostly neck, shoulders, and upper back between shoulder blades). An excellent choice since we're not getting massages. - Jess M.

Put lavender sachets under pillows or spray on.  Beauty sleep is essential. - Phivan N.

I love my Snow Teeth Whitener. It took 4 weeks to get, but so awesome! - Sandy A.

Meditating twice a day for 15 minutes has kept me calm and made it easier to just let things go that I have no control over.  Less stress=less fine lines. - Cricket E.

Have a hack you want to share? I love learning new things. Let me know please email me!

Live Beautifully,


P.S. I can't wait to see your face, brows, and smile again soon. Reply here to get on my VIP call back list.  I will call you as soon as we are cleared!

P.P.S. Curious about anything mentioned here? Reach out and I'll be happy to help you.




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